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Adlice Protect Premium (Technicien)

(27 avis client)

From: 29.00

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Pour renouveler votre licence vous pouvez (au choix):
- Vous connecter à votre compte (cliquer ici) et trouver les licences à renouveler dans l'onglet "Licences".
- Choisir une période et un nombre de machines, puis utiliser le formulaire ci-après pour renseigner vos informations de licence et cliquer sur "Renouveler".

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, machines: 0.00

UGS : roguekiller-tech Catégorie : Étiquettes : , , , ,


Achetez Adlice Protect (RogueKiller) Premium (Version Technicien) et nettoyez votre machine des malware et virus.

Adlice Protect (RogueKiller) est un anti-malware capable de détecter et supprimer des malware génériques et des menaces avancées comme les rootkits, rogues, vers. Il peut également détecter les programmes controversés (PUPs) ainsi que les modifications/corruptions du système (PUMs).

La description du produit peut être trouvée ici.

Combien de machines pour ma licence ?

Une licence ne compte que les Postes Technicien, et est valide pour un nombre illimité de machines à désinfecter.

  • Entreprise (1000 machines, 5 techniciens) : 1 licence / 5 machines
  • Atelier de réparation (5 techniciens): 1 licence / 5 machines

Informations complémentaires




1 an, 2 ans, à vie


1 machine, 10 machines, 3 machines, 5 machines

27 avis pour Adlice Protect Premium (Technicien)

  1. Anglais

    tigzy (client confirmé)

    Worth a try.

  2. Français


    A essayer d’urgence.

  3. Français



  4. Anglais


  5. Anglais

    Ron Gravatt

    I have been using RogueKiller for years. It is the first tool I use on nearly every computer that comes through my doors and it always pays off! Stops the dirt in its tracks out of hundreds of scans I’ve done, there have been damned few that have come up empty. I highly recommend this to anyone who does this for a living or is a user who is trying to rid yourself of stubborn background stuff, keeping your computer tied up in knots. I am now a paying customer because these guys deserve it.

  6. Anglais

    Jan-Albert (client confirmé)

    RogueKiller is probably my preferred scanning tool above most other AV tools. I use Avast as well, for background scanning, but so far RogueKiller has been the most successful at removing suspect files & repairing the system whenever it was necessary. At present, I would consider it the best all-round tool. That is why I bought the Technicians licence – this team does brilliant work!

  7. Français

    Fred (client confirmé)

    Parfait , A essayer sans attendre les yeux fermés en toute confiance

  8. Français


    Très ravi et très efficace

  9. Anglais

    joe Marrazzo (client confirmé)

    Ive used Roguekiller Tecknition for several years as a small computer repair shop i find it to be the best and I ahve tried all the different malware removers

  10. Français



    Et merci pour votre savoir faire

  11. Anglais

    Micheal Dean (client confirmé)

    A product I’ve used most days for at least 5 years. I use and pay for several products from many vendors, the product line from Adlice is in my not so humble opinion, one of the two best security based software companies around. The cost of a full licence is more than worth it.

  12. Anglais

    Rob Kaski (client confirmé)

    This is a phenomenal for identifying and stopping malware of any type. I have had amazing success/results cleaning and repairing infected computers .
    Thanks for such top notch software and keep up the great work

  13. Français

    BESSON (client confirmé)

    à ce jour(2021.01.10)rapide et efficace .Satisfait de mon choix.

  14. Français


    Très bon logiciel, utilisé depuis de nombreuses années

  15. Français


    bon logiciel qui m’a démontré son efficacité…Peu intrusif et pas trop gourmand en ressource du moins avec le pc que je possède. De plus, il y a très régulièrement des mises à jour. Je mets comme vote  » bon » uniquement parce que j’attends de l’équipe d’Adlice qu’ils ne se reposent pas sur leurs lauriers 🙂 Je recommande vivement ce logiciel parce qu’il est très satisfaisant tout simplement

  16. Anglais


    The free trial of RogueKiller definitely proved to me that this program is absolutely incredible. Please keep up the great work. I will buy the lifetime license next year. Superior quality product, flawlessly written by professional coders. Amazing!

  17. Français

    PITON (client confirmé)

    Efficace très pro

  18. Français

    Galoy (client confirmé)

    Très performant et mises à jour fréquentes

  19. Anglais


    Like the user interface and the fact that it can be used portable.
    Can schedule scans when the computer is not in use in addition to the real-time monitoring.

  20. Anglais


    Spürt viel Mal und Adware auf. Ich werde es regelmäßig benutzen. Es scannt schnell und ich empfehle es uneingeschränkt weiter.

  21. Français


    J’ai passé deux heures a maltraiter roguekiller sur mon réseaux local pour voir ses limites (infection,bot, la totale) et franchement il n’a quasi pas plier le genoux je suis impressionnée je recommande Roguekiller a 200% !

  22. Anglais

    Kaiden Fox

    I discovered RogueKiller only a few months ago and every time I run a scan, the results never cease to impress me. RogueKiller finds all kinds of malware that none of my other antimalware programs find, and I have some good ones. What impresses me even more is the fact that RogueKiller will find programs or even portables that are dangerous that I wasn’t even aware were dangerous. Things I’ve been fooled into downloading by some pretty clever bad guys.
    I have to hand it to the developers and programmers who put this one together – seriously great job, to all who were/are involved in RogueKiller’s creation and upkeep. You all have done a superb job in this one. This is a product that will continue to be in high demand indefinitely, no doubt.
    Last but not least, and perhaps the most important in some ways, is that RogueKiller doesn’t install hidden malware on a system when in use or uninstalled, the way most other antimalwares or antiviruses do. If this is news to any who are reading this, regarding RogueKiller’s competitors, I urge you to check into it asap. It’s true other programs will install fake or real malware and viruses on a system, in an effort to convince the end user that their product is needed. Shocked me, too, believe me. I specifically check for these things when evaluating a product, and RogueKiller is the real deal.
    Big thank you for the amazing product. I appreciate it.

  23. Français

    frederic (client confirmé)

    service rapide meme si pas détecter par leur produit, j ai très aimé la réaction des tickets, a conseiller a tous

  24. Français

    frederic (client confirmé)

    tres bon produit, et service tiket tres rapide, le top en protection

  25. Anglais


    RogueKiller is an important tool in my IT toolbox. When helping others troubleshoot computer malware/problems, I am happy to introduce my friends/colleagues/clients to the benefits of Rogue Killer. I owe the developers/team at Adlice a well-deserved debt of gratitude, i.e., THANK YOU! Dynamite software! 🙂

  26. Français

    PITON (client confirmé)

    Très satisfait . En plus il nous prévient des M.A.J.

  27. Anglais


    excellent software. attractive interface. complimentary supplementary to main protection, which increases overall efficiency. and some ransomware protection to boot. what’s not to like?

  28. Anglais

    Владо (client confirmé)

    I have been using the program for more than two years and I am very satisfied. Even in the demo version, it was able to detect and eliminate viruses on my computer. Then I bought a license because I saw that it was worth it.

  29. Anglais

    harald.grill (client confirmé)

    Like the many other favorable testimonials of customers I have used the program for some years now and am very content with the way it finds not only malware but also vulnerability issues on my machines. Try this, you won’t regret it.

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