Buy Adlice Protect (RogueKiller) Premium, clean you machine from malware and viruses.
Adlice Protect (RogueKiller) is an anti-malware able to detect and remove generic malware and advanced threats like rootkits, rogues, worms. It also detects controversial programs (PUPs) as well as possible bad system modifications/corruptions (PUMs).
tigzy (verified owner) –
Good product.
tigzy (verified owner) –
Bon produit.
Bill Batta (verified owner) –
I ALWAYS use Adlices RogueKiller Premium to remove malware as a second opinion when other software fail!
Lukowski Jacques (verified owner) –
Logiciel très efficace en version gratuite ; je le conseille à tout le monde . La version payante semble être plus intéressante encore.
dominique surour –
Super efficace, très bon produit
La version payante semble être plus intéressante encore.
Jerry Williams (verified owner) –
I’ve used the free version of Rogue kill for little over a year. Based on it’s performance, I’ve decided to purchase a license to get all the current updates. Very good program.
yannick (verified owner) –
ducastel –
grooberjoose (verified owner) –
Hwy14 (verified owner) –
krp94 (verified owner) –
J’ai acheter mais tien eu system pas complet au niveau du site mais logiciel parfait
valerio (verified owner) –
Un prodotto molto potente, sicuro ed affidabile per la rimozione di tutte le schifezze che girano sulla rete.
Grazie per aver fatto resuscitare il mio PC !!! e avermi dato la possibilità di provarlo ne come trial, ne con versione limitate nel rimuovere il problema.
Ron (verified owner) –
Awesome software. Removed the Poweliks Trojan. Norton couldn’t. I would definitely support this company and buy their software
WBA (verified owner) –
Angeloflight (verified owner) –
J”ai toujours eu Rogue Killer version free aucune attaque j’opte maintenant pour le Premium en toute confiance
kteal978 (verified owner) –
Francky (verified owner) –
Suite à mon message d’hier, je suis content d’avoir reçu ma licence.
Très bon produit que je conseil vous tous…
sirvincent (verified owner) –
exoacab (verified owner) –
dlussier4 (verified owner) –
Henk Kracht –
Why force people into getting Facebook to get a discount ? There is nothing wrong with Twitter …
Tigzy (verified owner) –
Twitter doesn’t have the same impact as Facebook.
We don’t force anyone to get a discount 🙂
yannick –
super produit merci mais qui pourrais m aidé via skype ou facebook car j ais un toolbar récalcitrant a retirer
Tigzy –
Bonjour, vous pouvez obtenir de l’aide sur notre forum:
Mehmet (verified owner) –
Very good. You should try for your safety.
jason.clark (verified owner) –
Eunice –
I tried the free version and want to get the extra features. This is excellent value for the price.
Jahan (verified owner) –
its best prodcut on Earth for removing malwares.
my review :
Support and Members of Adlice : best peoples on the earth !
Database of RougeKiller : always update also for unknown malwares.
Speed and Ram usage : very low , u dont feel its installed on your computer.
Thanks Adlice For born this prodcut.
JHuot –
esxcellent produit ce Roguekiller
Kylester –
THIS PRODUCT KICKS ASS !!, im thinking about getting a lifetime key,,, but also wondering if i get a regular key also, after a year,,, is it automatic subscription or can i disable auto and choose when to update it
Kylester –
Tigzy (verified owner) –
Hello, this is the law for everything you buy on the internet we need to write up an billing invoice. That information isn’t shared with anyone.
Ron –
Looks good but before I decide to purchase, will this get rid of win32/hadsruda!bit?
Tigzy (verified owner) –
Give it a try! Scan removal is available in Free version as well, and you have a 30 days trial.
holbroos (verified owner) –
Très chère la version à vie 64 €
Tigzy (verified owner) –
Dans ce cas prenez la version 1 an 😉
mcelesteucv (verified owner) –
manu –
Le seul à avoir détecté et supprimé le bitcoin miner que j’avais choppé; plus 11 autres trucs que ni windows defender, ni malewarebyte, ni spybot, ni hitmanpro n’avaient trouvé.
Bref c’est tout simplement le plus efficace du marché.
You won my business guys, j’achète une licence le mois prochain.
Tigzy (verified owner) –
Bonjour, plutôt PUM (Modification potentiellement indésirable). S’il n’y a que ça tout va bien.
Robert Colassin –
Heureux car c’est le seul qui m’a éliminé le nouveau virus toolbar qui est ultra vicieux
Daniel Smith –
I hate to worry about all the dishonest morons out to steal from others, this software free verison is good, but I want the added protection
Daniel Smith –
Much better than other software, I want the extra features with the paid verison
Alan Curdie –
Seems to find stuff thatother programs don’t, but of course lots of progs list stuff that doe’nt exist, so sceptical for that reason. If it could remove that Steam malware I would buy right now, nothing else can! Overall I wan’t to buy the premium, but sceptical because of all the other bad programs out there.
If I feel I can trust it I will certainly buy.
Ray Grant –
A professional tech support representative introduced me to this product. After he successfully analysed and repaired all the issues I decided to add Rogue Killer to my “must have” tech support paid products
Kurt Bresler –
Tried Rogue killer for the first time the other day, after removing the threats it listed, my computer had some issues like not showing the delete button on the pop-up file menu and not being able to save a file to pictures, is this because of something I removed or did I not read the fine print? Still looking for help since I have a “date changing -virus, trojan, malware, or windows file problem” That is my date changes sporadically and will not stay correct for more than 12 hours or so, but My time always stays correct. Have changed the CMOS battery, ran Eset online, running Malwarebytes 3. and Norton Security 24/7 still have this issue since building this computer around Christmas this year 12/2016. please contact me if you have any ideas, Thank you very much.
jean –
works very good all bugs are cone perfect.
leblancgreg (verified owner) –
Michael Haephrati –
I have been researching new DLL Injection techniques and got to know RogueKiller. I found it to be an excellent product to fight and detect malware. It uses a unique approach not used by most of the well known firewalls and AV programs. Keep on the good work! Michael Haephrati, Secured Globe, Inc.
Tigzy (verified owner) –
Thanks for your support Michael!
salih –
Diğer anvirirüs programlarının bulamadığı ne varsa çıkardı bakmadıı taramadığı yer yok harika
aiconseil (verified owner) –
Hubert –
Excellent tool, and even if I’m not obliged to pay, I will do it. Because I have tested different ones (paying for some of them) Roguekiller has clean all wrong things in my laptop. Spam from my outllook forbidding me to send mail and even my Dropbox problem appeared months ago. I’m always not believing it!
So thank you so much. I’m recommanding to everyone I know.
Mad Luffy –
Im actually using Avast and it detected nothing. Then ive heard that an USB Virus is spreading installed it via recommendation and it found 108 Items
Sayem –
I am a programmer and I usually am very careful, but one day I slipped and installed something with an adware. 10 hours of juggling with a malware that takes you to , no matter what I do it kept coming back. Finally googling up got me here and tried it. 37 detected items. Neither Kaspersky or Avira could detect 1. Anyway, if there was some sort of a summer sale I would purchase this for $5 because that’s all I got in my PayPal right now.
olivier –
Chrisboz –
Logiciel parfait, meilleur que Malwarebytes.
RogueKiller it’s the best of the best, perfect.
Patricia Peeters (verified owner) –
Je suis bien d’accord avec Chrisboz. Ce programme est beaucoup beaucoup mieux que malwarebytes qui ne sert strictement à rien. Ça fait deux ans que j’utilise RogueKiller, et il m’a “sauvé” plus d’une fois!
andre.gregoire185 (verified owner) –
labelete –
très bon nettoyeur de fichier caché
je recommande
Helskyz –
Logiciel qui tient ses promesses et ultra puissant, bientôt 1 ans que je l’utilise en version premium et il ma détecter plusieurs malwares que malwarebytes et autres n’on pas détecter !
La licence a vie coûte trop cher dommage, alors je prendrais un renouvellement de 2 ans avec les 20% de promotion.
devilaine –
essai de la version gratuite, roguekiller premium puis Ucheck, c’est un produit qui fait ce qu’il dit.
je compte acheter le pack version 1 an.
kobi (verified owner) –
Great Product,
Test it And Got Best Results For My Work
Bought The Personal Premium License
Fair Enough For The Price.
Logan –
I wish lifetime was cheaper, the free version saved me from alot of trouble though!! If I had money id be getting lifetime sub
gabor –
Très bon logiciel en PREMIUM peut être utilisé en Mode Sans Echec avec réseau(F5)mais MALWAREBYTES en PREMIUM m’a très très souvent sauvé (d’autant que j’ai une licence à vie comme pour ROGUE-KILLER)
merci infiniment
(je ne peux pas faire de dons à tout le monde bien sûr mais vous avez bien mérité mon don de 20 €)
GREG (verified owner) –
Paul M –
I’ve been playing hide and seek with a virus on my laptop for weeks. Have tried more ant-virus software programs than I can remember. I see the bogus files and if I remove 1, 2 more appear. Saw Rogue Killer and expected more disappointment. Instead it cleaned my system! Norton, Eset, Windows Defender, Kaspersky, Bit Defender, Malware Bytes, just to name a few said my system was clean. RogueKiller easily did what the others missed. Awesome!
Eric P (verified owner) –
This is a very solid anti malware program. I use It along with Malwarebytes, because RogueKiller seems to sometimes pick up some items that Malwarebytes misses.
Philippe (verified owner) –
Bon logiciel,nettoyage tres satisfaisant.Facile d’utilisation,prise en main rapide.Je le recommande sans aucun probleme.
Merci de votre attention.
Alex (verified owner) –
One of the best AVs you can get
Rebecca (verified owner) –
It’s easy to use and I’ve had zero problems since I installed it to help me get rid of a nasty bit of malware. Recommended
Jogoalar (verified owner) –
Vraiment très efficace. J’en suis très satisfaite (version payante).
vivendi delectatio –
Version 14 ; enfin double un bouclier !
Julie (verified owner) –
I bought antivirus software and when installed t couldn’t update the definitions. Called their tech support. They remoted in and couldn’t do it either. After a couple of hours I left them to it. When I got up in the morning, the RogueKiller free version had been installed, it caught 4 things, the anti-virus software was updated and the logs were left so I could see everything they had done. For AV software Vipre – best tech su;ort I ever had for $20.
Obviously RogueKiller is their go to malware product. It worked and that was enough for me. I bought that too. It has since captured something at the same time as Microsoft that was so bad Microsoft disconnected me from their servers. That time Microsoft fixed it but RogueKiller had caught it. .
Un utlilisateur –
TRès bon logiciel dommage qu’il soit pas assez connu
Patrick (verified owner) –
Trés bon logiciel détecte ce que les autres ne détectent pas.Facile d’utilisation.A recommander!!
durso (verified owner) –
très très bon logiciel de nettoyage.
Jeffery Hackenberg (verified owner) –
Great easy to use product, can’t wait tell the new premium 14.0 version come out for Windows 10. Highly recommend the product.
Paskouloff (verified owner) –
continuer à faire du bon boulot les gars
est je serai toujours avec vous comme client
Cat –
I’m just trailing at the moment
But will be buying
I’m sold on it
Gives confidence that the job is being done and in good trustworthy hands
Steeve –
Je me souviens avoir utilisé rogue killer sur le portable d’un ami qui a été victime d’un ransomware et grâce à ce logiciel j’ai pu supprimer celui-ci. Un excellent logiciel que j’encourage et que je recommande. Peut être que la licence a vie pour certains paraît cher… Mais moi je dis ça vaux le cou ! Et les développeurs travaillent dur pour notre sécurité, un logiciel qui rend si bien service ! Bravo aux développeurs pour ce si bon logiciel !
sg –
RogueKiller est le meilleur antivirus
que je connaisse ! ????
Michael Heer (verified owner) –
Great product, excellent support… a ‘real’ rogue-killer!
Don –
RougeKiller finds things others don’t find. Excellent!
Luis –
Patrick Melard (verified owner) –
très très efficace ma dépanner bien souvent
Tom Rice (verified owner) –
RougeKiller is a tool I couldn’t be without. It finds and gets rid of things that no other tool I’ve tried can. Excellent product.
Kim –
Quite an overall great software, very happy With it so far.
John Goss (verified owner) –
Up to now Rogue Killer Premium has been the best anti-malware software I have come across.
DED (verified owner) –
J’utilise aujourd’hui RogueKiller depuis plusieur années, j’ai une licence à vie, le prix est très raisonnable.
Avec en complément MalwareBytes (licence à vie également, acquis à même époque), je me sens en sécurité.
Je pense être l’un des premiers a leurs avoir fait confiance et je suis sûr qu’avec RogueKiller + MalwareBytes, on peut se passer d’un anti-virus générique, je compte d’ailleurs ne pas renouveller mon abonnement pour BitDefender (encore valable pour 773 jours), ça me feras des économies et je serais très bien protègé.
James –
Found and deleted some malware that other tools missed.
Wes (verified owner) –
This product is amazing. I use this along with a few other tools to keep all my personal work/gaming computers clean. I even made my employees get it and it literally saves my company money when our computers run fast, great, like new. 10/10. Please continue to improve this and keep our computers healthy.
Joseph (verified owner) –
(¯`’•♛•★•*¯*• -:¦:-A Must Have-:¦:-•*¯*•★•♛•’´¯)
I’ve been using this product from the beginning, what other software, Norton Endpoint and Malwarebytes, misses this will find.
Simone Carini (verified owner) –
it’s really efffective
MOREL (verified owner) –
Application super efficace et très simple d’utilisation. J’ai acheté une licence à vie. Le prix est très raisonnable. Je recommande vivement !
Sealex83 –
J’utilise RogueKiller depuis que cette appli existe.
Je l’ai souvent recommandée dans les différents forums que j’ai créés.
Je le recommande toujours sur mon site, dans mes programmes de sécurité et de nettoyage.
C’est à mon avis, un programme indispensable pour tout internaute qui veut correctement protéger son ordinateur.
Facile à mettre en place, facile à utiliser, et surtout efficace quant à son travail de détection et d’éradication de programmes malveillants.
Le prix est plus que raisonnable, (la sécurité n’a pas de prix). (perso j’ai la version à vie).
luc –
very good , easy to use, effective and powerful, thanks a lot I tried different
antimalware but only rogue killer worked for me.
I am going to buy
D-G (verified owner) –
cela fait 5 ans que j’utilise rogue killer d’abord en version gratuite puis cette année Jai opter pour la version payante difficile de trouver mieux ailleurs question désinfection d’un pc après c’est au gout de chacun pour ma part rogue killer ma souvent sauver de certaine infection que mon propre anti virus était incapable de trouver
Jp –
Le meilleur antivirus. Mon ordinateur ayant été contaminé, je l’avais fait scanner par Norton, McAfee, WindowsDefender, et ils n’avaient pas trouvé le virus. Puis un ami docteur en informatique ( littéralement, ce n’est pas une méaphore) m’a vivment conseillé RogueKiller, qui, en UN scan a détecté et éliminé le virus.
Chapeau bas à l’équipe d’Adlice, les chevaliers des temps modernes.
Jack (verified owner) –
I’ve used this software before and was very pleased with it. This product also helps keep you registry clean. I just started using again about a month ago and it has already paid for itself as far as I’m concerned. So far it has cleaned my registry for me and it helps when I go on movie sites so that I don’t keep getting redirected to some advertisement. Nothing is 100% but I would most certainly recommend this product to anyone.
Philip (verified owner) –
I feel that RogueKiller is a very good piece of software.
I have been using other software to keep my PC safe but it is
not has good as RogueKiller Premium.
Alan M (verified owner) –
Been using Rogue Killer for maybe five years now. Great product that has saved me from four really bad infections over the years when other apps failed to flag them. Recently had to swap out a failed motherboard on one of my PCs and Adlice made the license transfer process simple and straight forward. A deserved five stars in my opinion.
chorizolo –
Pensé que tenia el ordenador limpio, pero me dio unos fallos, lo instale y me dio 15 “problemas”, ahora funciona mejor, gracias
Eric –
Hi Rogue killer has been the best antivirus for me for the past 8 year . I highly recommend this software
johan.dulst (verified owner) –
Very good stuff, Top.
Richard (verified owner) –
tres bon produit, rien a redire, merci
Daniel (verified owner) –
get tired of all the “Greddy” SOB’s trying to make a profit off others hard work- This program works well in keeping my computer safe from malware, it’s fast and always works, never lags or slows my machine down
tina chasan (verified owner) –
After building pc’s since forever, I decided to buy a great Dell product. Now it’s still running super fast and clean, thanks in part to this program as well as the great product that Dell offers. Buy this program as it is the best I have ever found and used.
JMF45 –
Un excellent produit AntiMalwares. Les autres suites le font aussi si on paye le prix !
Jean Chanzy (verified owner) –
Bon logiciel. J’ utilise la version pro depuis 5 ans.
Brad (verified owner) –
Great product at great price. I would recommend trying RogueKiller before purchasing other well known adware programs. I run RogueKiller together with Malwarebytes and have no problems and know my machine is secured for the online work I do. Great work..
Ced (verified owner) –
I’ve used this product for over 5 years. I have nothing but rave reviews. It’s easy to use, it’s continually updated in a timely manner, and it gets the job done. I’m happy that I purchased this product. They are innovative company and have a genuine approach to software development. You can’t go wrong when you purchase this product. I’d purchase it again and again.
J.E. –
Very nice program, the best I have had for this purpose. I have a two year license.
gerard perrissol (verified owner) –
votre logiciel m’a trouver un virus où mon antivirus habituel avais échoué merci beaucoup
J.W. Schoep –
Het werk perfect
Stéphane Brunel –
Indispensable et salutaire en cas de vrai gros problème. Un must !
Muy Bueno
Xaver Bauer (verified owner) –
It’s a great product. very good. In the future i wish more live protect for web. Many thanks in advance.
Sveinung Kvist (verified owner) –
Very good software. Used it for several years.
Rick Williams (verified owner) –
best one by far…have it on 3 machines…one really finds nasty ones…even malwarebyte,
superantispyware,others missed….roguekiller finds it removes it ,no traces to be
found.keep up good work..cheers.
Alan Marques (verified owner) –
Subscribed to Premium many years ago and have never regretted it. Not only has Rouge Killer found stuff other programs have not but its real-time protection has saved me on more than one occasion. I like the five license subs, have it running on multiple machines, very handy and sensible licensing model that is worth the price. Also great at picking up PUPs (look that up if you have no idea). Great job folks, keep it up.
LEX06 (verified owner) –
RogueKiller est un excellent logiciel anti-malware qui dispose en version Premium d’un module de protection en temps réel. Sur W10 il fonctionne sans problème au côté de Microsoft Defender.
Enfin, au regard de sa qualité, son prix à l’achat est modeste (1 PC pour 12 € TTC pour la version “particulier”).
Tamara Buffham (verified owner) –
5 stars. Superior detection and minimal impact on system resources. I have used the free version to remove malware for years but I paid for premium last year. I am happily renewing when it expires. I am not renewing my main security though, as it detected 0 threats all year but RogueKiller has found 8 and successfully removed them all. If anyone has any doubts about the premium version, I would recommend this to anyone. It it the real deal for an incredible price and Adlice is a top notch company with top notch support. Keep up the great work, Devs, and thank you very much for RogueKiler!
George Scurfield (verified owner) –
Windows Devender tells me there are threats but it never trapped them. I read online to try RogueKiller and after a purchase and one scan in the threats (which were minor but still annoying) are now gone. Thank you RogueKiller!
Scata (verified owner) –
Bon produit. Cette application a trouvé plusieurs problèmes.
Xu hang –
I like this software.
marc jeandin (verified owner) –
trés bon logiciel efficace et simple d’utilisation , 5/5.
James Wright (verified owner) –
I am going to keep useing this program It has really helped me
Philippe (verified owner) –
Best Malware Software! Thanks!
J Money –
RogueKiller is simply the best. I rely on it daily to protect all of our devices.
alex (verified owner) –
it’s really effective in detecting malware.
John (verified owner) –
RogueKiller found and fixed problems that other AV software didn’t find!
RASPOUTINE (verified owner) –
psychedcat (verified owner) –
Purchased a Lifetime license, NO REGRETS. A Must Have piece of software indeed, i’ve been recommending it to my close friends and relatives since then.
So far, its working wonderfully with the latest version of Windows 11 (preview insider), and it worked fine while i was using it around Windows 10 as well, it cleaned up a bunch of stuff that other pieces of software couldn’t, when i first tried the free edition scanner back then, i knew that i had to get myself a license for the real time protection, i hope that this piece of software keeps growing over time, as a Networking Engineer, despite the fact that i use Linux way more than Windows, i can totally vouch for this amazing tool for every Windows user and tech.
DucN –
Excellent produit BRAVO 🙂
Christine –
Super logiciel qui est le seul à m’avoir désinfecté mon ordinateur, les autres avaient nettoyé des choses mais pas le principal problème qui permettait à des pirates d’entrer dans mon PC, merci Rogue Killer
razray334 (verified owner) –
Updating fixed my previous issues.
This App works great, and it finds, detects, and prevents problems far better than most leading brands. Combined with Malware bytes and my protection level is finally enough to prevent issues from happening in the first place.
José Luis (verified owner) –
Es una solución muy eficaz y potente que detecta y soluciona lo que otros Antimalware no solucionan, realmente debe de ser considerado como uno de los mejores que junto con la protección de MalwareByte Antimalware se obtiene la máxima protección.
Como observación comentar que para las próximas actualizaciones se le debería de mejorar la protección en TIEMPO REAL ya que se le podría incorporar protección en TIEMPO REAL para que protejan los navegadores frente a infecciones así como de infecciones.
Nkeonye Sunny (verified owner) –
I do know if any one has notices. RogueKiller do not have the smooth click experience I have seen in most application. It is easy to freeze. The update button on a Premium version for example when you click on it. You do not have that feeling the clicking worked. You may end up clicking twice because nothing is responding as you would expected. That is the smooth experience I was talking about. Launching of the app takes second to appear when you are clicking the tray icon. It should be quick but the delay is the case. On the protection side the app works. It is recommendable. But the overall experience on the Program smoothness is lacking.
Tigzy (verified owner) –
Thanks for letting us know, we are working on improving overall user experience and take good note of this issue.
PHILIPPE (verified owner) –
excellent produit ce Roguekiller !!
PHILIPPE (verified owner) –
Allen Kasner (verified owner) –
After using this tool for over five years it has become my most trusted & valued tool against infections of all sorts.
Jeandin Marc (verified owner) –
Très bon Logiciel, efficace et simple d’utilisation , meilleur que Malwarebyte, trouve les problèmes, et désinfecte votre ordinateur d’1 manière impeccable! Mérite sa Note de 5/5 !! Bravo et Merci !.
John Yager (verified owner) –
best program i have ever used i will be a registered user as it finds items that other programs miss
Mario Werth (verified owner) –
Ich bin sehr zu Frieden mit dieser Software, sie erkennt wesentlich mehr als der Standard Antivierenscanner.
Ich benutze die Vollversion jetzt seit gut einem Jahr.
Das Preis/Leistungsverhältnis ist auch absolut O.K.
Kann die Software nur weiter empfehlen.
très bien
Javier (verified owner) –
Its a good Anti-Malware and i always use it as a second opinion program, it is able to remove malwares when others fail, but it still needs to improve the detection rate. It needs to detect more malware samples, and polish little bugs as we can see in this test of “Computer Solutions” (Roguekiller
I want to see how this anti-malware grows and becomes a must-have one. Please Adlice, check the video test, and improve Roguekiller, i really want to see you in the top of anti-malware programs.
Jacques Ria (verified owner) –
After several extensive tests and technical comparisons, Roguekiller turns out to be much better than Norton, Avast, AVG, Bitdefender, Kaspersky, Webroot and others. More than once he has protected me from infections that others have not seen. Does not do common false positives. Very courteous and prompt after-sales service. And above all very responsive.
Jacques Ria (verified owner) –
I downloaded software from the wrong website by mistake. The software was a copy of the real one, but included a Trojan horse. Roguekiller is the only one who detected the threat.
(5 stars !)
jonathan tirilly (verified owner) –
Très bon produit
Christopher (verified owner) –
I use RogueKiller daily and have been for some time now. Absolutely love it!! Highly recommend!! ??
Gina H. –
This has been my saving grace when it comes to my laptop. Now they want to charge and I can understand why but at this post covid moment when every penny counts I guess it is worth giving it to them after years of great free service. It wouldn’t hurt to lose a little more weight. Fasting is in! Just wish they would bundle it all together.
Chris –
Only just started using the trial version and it detected and fixed, something that Nortons or MalwareBytes couldn’t detect. Why on earth do these other ones not pick up these issues?!? So glad I found someone on a forum mentioning RogueKillerI Thank you to whomever it was 😀
I will definitely be getting RogueKiller Premium soon.
Gérard NOYAU (verified owner) –
R.A.S., fait son JOB…
Eddie Andino (verified owner) –
I like this product a lot, it’s able to find a lot of malware that other anti-viruses like Norton 360 do not find. It’ll keep you safe from Keyloggers and other security threats to your system and personal information!
FLEURY (verified owner) –
J’utilise les produits Aldice depuis quelques années et je suis satisfais ce sont de bons utilitaires.
Merci à l’équipe.
Blair (verified owner) –
Seems an honest product to me.
It flagged software which i believe could pose a threat to my privacy.
Intuition is under-rated.
pitbel (verified owner) –
très bon logiciel, super efficace. j’étais bloquée par un ransomware et tout a été nettoyé.
tranquillité assurée
KeiraSimone (verified owner) –
spicimen99 (verified owner) –
Fais le job simplement. Les paramètres sont configurables pour obtenir une protection à la carte. La protection des dossiers important fonctionne parfaitement.
Les consignes de protection et d’exclusion sont très bien respectées que ce soit sur le poste client principal mais également les dossiers partagés sur le réseau qu’ils appartiennent à un système de stockage courant (HDD, SSD,Nvme, etc …) mais aussi de type RAID HDD, RAID SSD, NAS (synology).
Aucun soucis rencontrés dans un environnement construit sur les bases ci-dessus complémenté par différents choix de backup cohabitants ensemble tels que :
– Sauvegarde classique de dossiers stockée sur la source
– Sauvegarde classique de dossiers stockée vers emplacement réseau en simultané
– Sauvegarde en temps réel
– Sauvegarde synchronisation miroir
Roguekiller de plus, s’intègre parfaitement dans un environnement en activité 24h/24h sans rentrer en conflit avec les processus en exécution et ne détériore pas les performances que ce soit en protection temps réel ou scan planifiés même pendant l’exécution des tâches de backup
Merci pour la continuité de vos produits tout en gardant une qualité supérieure de détection versions après versions
Bonne continuation, soutien depuis beaucoup d’années
Michou –
Exceptionnel, trouve n’importe quel virus, même là où Norton et McAfee ont échoué.
curato (verified owner) –
pkjn –
Tous vos produits sont utiles et professionnels, Adlice est dans mon top 5 des labos informatiques . Merci
Kriss –
Really pleased
PIERRE (verified owner) –
Merci pour la continuité de vos produits tout en gardant une qualité supérieure de détection versions après versions à un prix acceptable. Bonne continuation, soutien depuis beaucoup d’années. et continuez comme cela, vous allez dans le bon sens. Félicitations et je vous recommande à tous . Cordialement, PP 10/10
John Leetch –
Great program. Has found problems and removed them. Have recommended.
Mewan A. (verified owner) –
A very good product when it comes to malware detection. I had a few bugs earlier on, but nothing too major. More affordable than Malwarebytes with a higher detection rating. Works best on Windows 11 with Defender!
David Jackson (verified owner) –
Beats Malwarebytes easily. High detection and easy to use.
Rexford Yoshimoto –
I research for my business regularly. I use my computer extensively. have 4 browsers, I use and programs to access the internet. I need all the protection I can get. I run one dedicated anti-spyware, one anti-virus w/firewall and one anti-malware (Rougekiller) program. Other programs include a cleaner/scanner update tool. Also use Windows Cleanup, Error Checker, Defragger and Cmd prompt> SFC /Scannow. I used these tools a long time. I wish you all happy computing days ahead.
Jon Money –
I have used the free product for a few years, and now the paid product for a few years. I love the paid version and will continue to purchase it. Both free and paid have detected and removed malware on my machines at home. Malwarebytes is the top-of-the-line go-to product for me to detect and remove malware. I have recommended it on many occasions to others. However, I have had an issue with the company Malwarebytes uses to conduct the transactions when renewing my license. Recently I got an e-mail from Malwarebytes saying my license would expire soon and to make sure I check and update my billing info. (I use the auto-billing option for convenience.) Upon doing so, after determining all was in order, I got an e-mail from Malwarebytes saying “Hey did you forget something”… “We got your back, you left something in your cart, etc.” So I decided I’d go back and just renew early. Halfway through the renewal process, the payment website locked up, went down, or otherwise did not complete my transaction. After waiting 24 hours and not receiving any correspondence from the billing company after opening a ticket with them, I had conversations with PayPal and my bank. Finally, all was resolved, but there were tense moments, nonetheless.
I absolutely love this product and I will likely use it forever and continue to recommend it to others. It is powerful and does exactly what I downloaded it for. It has never let me down. Tigzy, you’ve got some great products. Keep up the great work and I look forward to other products from you in the future. However, billing (2checkout) has some opportunity for improvement, just sayin’.
KeiraSimone (verified owner) –
Love this product, Been using the product for a loooong time now both free and subscribed!
Rexoshimoto (verified owner) –
Major Geek recommended it to me on a ticket in 2010. I retired a few years ago but still use it for all my bench still.
Gearalt (verified owner) –
RogueKiller is a great little antimalware utility. I say little because it’s so light on usage of system resources. Been using it for years. Plays nice with Windows Defender and all other security applications on my machines. Provides a 2nd resident real-time scanner to achieve the desired defense in-depth / layered security required to improve one’s security posture in today’s wild, wild, world of the ransomewared internet. Finds things that other products don’t. Did I mention light? It’s also light on your wallet, an all-around win win.
Bravo Adlice!
sabbisettirao –
dany nowak (verified owner) –
Excellent produit.
Gary McCollom (verified owner) –
Very happy with the product, no need to yammer on because if you use these security products you know what you are looking for and RogueKiller delivers.
Laurent Gourdet (verified owner) –
Le seul logiciel qui m’a enlevé le malware que je n’arrivais pas à avoir (j’ai acheté la version payante et pour 12€ ça vaut le coup). Merci à toute l’équipe !!
h.galy (verified owner) –
Très bon logiciel. Il avait été le seul à détecter un virus qui avait infecté mon ordinateur.
Neil Johnson (verified owner) –
I have used this for many years and its never let me down, it forms a multi barrage against attacks and aids repair, together we 3 other old school apps this has always proved to be effective and on the button
Ralf Krejny (verified owner) –
Rouge Killer has a very low CPU load and is therefore highly recommended for weaker computers.
Rouge Killer hat eine sehr geringe CPU last und deswegen auch für schwächere Rechner sehr zu empfehlen.
stevelee (verified owner) –
Roguekiller Premium is pretty good. It caught some virus program named Video Downloader Professional. It kept showing me, it didn’t delete itself but it at least showed it to me, and uninstalled it. ESET, I have used Malwarebytes since 2014, Kaspersky, Hitman Pro Alert, Sophos, and Heimdal Security didn’t catch that virus. I started to notice that Windows Defender or Security is pretty good for AV tests but it doesn’t mean Defender can catch hiding or sneaky viruses, like Roguekiller.
JahanSec (verified owner) –
it was 2016 ) i found RogueKiller
and from that time till now every time i installed new Windows the first software was from Adlice )
very nice software with very freindly team ! as you know the best products about Malwares and Anti Hacking is Made by France )
LookNStop Firewall
Keep doing the great job ! its not 5 star Product …. its 10 Star !
Martin Dimmock (verified owner) –
Great product!
Ivan Penev (verified owner) –
I just love this product. That’s it SIMPLE AS THAT